? Plan to bring pets with you if required to evacuate.
? At the first sign of disaster, phone ahead to make arrangements for pets. Ask friends and relatives that live out of town if they would be willing to take care of pets in case of emergency. Also create a list of boarding facilities out of area.
? Most shelters do not take pets, so make sure to make arrangements with a pet-friendly shelter before a disaster hits. Pet owners must fill out an application for these shelters. The three pet-friendly shelters in Pinellas County are Dunedin Middle School, 70 Patricia Ave., Dunedin; Oak Grove Middle School, 1370 S. Belcher Road, Clearwater; and Thurgood Marshall Middle School, 3901 22nd Ave. S., St. Petersburg. For more information, call 582-2600 or visit www.pinellascounty.org/animalservices.
? Make sure pets have proper identification such as collars with tags and microchips. Pet owners also should have recent photos of pets in case of separation. It is also smart to indicate an emergency contact and address.
? Make a traveling kit with emergency supplies and medications for the pet in an area that is easily accessible.
? At the first sign of danger or warning bring pets indoors.
? For those with more than one pet, pets should be placed in separate carriers or on separate leashes.
? If possible keep pets in carriers during an emergency; this makes them feel safe and secure.
? Make a detailed plan and keep it in a safe place.
? Stock up on pet food and medications. Store in a safe and dry place.
The Humane Society of Pinellas will close if appropriate due to a pending hurricane to secure the facility, provide emergency pet related needs to the county?s Emergency Management, and provide staffing to a pet friendly shelter and to care for the animals that are currently in the shelter.
Plan ahead for everyone?s safety and increase the chances for safe return in the case of an emergency. For those with pets that have not been microchipped, microchipping will be available for $15 on Aug. 6, 1 to 3:30 p.m., at Humane Society of Pinellas, 3040 State Road 590, Clearwater.
Source: http://www.tbnweekly.com/editorial/pets/content_articles/061511_pets-02.txt
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