Law of Attraction works perfectly every time.
If you don't feel this is your experience, realize there's nothing flawed about the Law, there's just more you need to understand about it. Ask Spirit to help you expand your understanding of Law of Attraction and how it works. Until you make this request, here are a few helpful bits of information.
Your energetic patterns of thoughts, words, feelings, and actions hold up a mirror to the Law that then takes what you show it and mirrors the energy vibrations back to you as experiences. If your pattern or habit is to worry, criticize, condemn, and so forth . . . based on the Law's Cause-and-Effect function, what might your own experiences be? You cannot hold up an X in front of a mirror and expect your reflection to show you a Z.
The Law also responds to the level of intensity of your belief. If you fully believe something, you get a full manifestation. If you believe something only partially, you experience it in direct proportion to the intensity of your belief. It does this whether we focus on a belief we perceive as negative or positive.
Why do we resist the positive?
Major Blocks
We've set up our own blocks to receiving what we desire, usually because we learned them from others, and not always in the past; we pick up such blocks every day, but only if we allow them in. Here are some of the major ones.
1. We don't ask Spirit for what we want. Often, this is because we were told any number of statements that are contrary to doing this or were misinformed about how to do it so that it works for us. Tied to this is the belief that Spirit is separate from us . . . an erroneous belief that blocks.
2. When we do ask, we don't do this with complete faith that Spirit always answers us. Spirit always answers us through the Law of Attraction, and according to how we energetically vibrate our request and our openness to receive what we ask for. The more aligned you are with the Truth of who you are (an individualized expression of Spirit), the more power your word as law has. Words that lack conviction have little to no power; or restated, your result matches your level of conviction.
3. We are conditioned to self-condemn and to condemn others. This is in the form of judgment/self-judgment and criticism/self-criticism.
What's listed in these three items above, alone, impact your results because none of them, individually and especially jointly (which is often how they occur for us) are vibrational matches to your Good. The Law works perfectly every time. What is your general attitude towards life? Do you believe the Effects Caused by the mind of man to be more real and true than the Truth of Spirit and the Law of Attraction provided by Spirit?
Nothing happens to us but that it happens through us. Spirit provides everything to us, but does so through us. If you pay attention to how these sentences are worded, you see that we, Spirit, the Law, and Cause and Effect are connected. There is no separation.
To somewhat repeat myself, using Law of Attraction is not about believing you'll get the specific thing you asked for; it's about believing Spirit always answers your request. This is a subtle, but important thing to understand. If you know (absolutely trust) Spirit will respond to you, this shifts your vibrational match from waiting for the thing to knowing something is on its way to you (and usually something even better than what you asked for, but always for your highest good). In fact, the moment you ask (imagine), it's already in your reality. What makes it seem as though it isn't, is the belief it's not. We also hold a group belief that time is involved. Many of us have seen instant or "nearly" instant manifestations. If it takes longer, trust that timing is always right because Spirit is the Master Manager of the Universe and your life as part of the bigger picture.
Practice changing the words Need and Want to Request. Instead of saying, "I need money," say, "I request $(amount). Show me how to open to receive it. Show me how to open to possibilities."
If you don't see what you asked for or something even better unfold for you, remember the Law works perfectly every time and go back and look at what you vibrated about it. Two important questions to ask are: Do I really believe Spirit will respond? Do I really understand, whether positive or negative, my word is law?
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