Monday, August 15, 2011

Do Children Who are Homeschooled Learn Adequate Social Skills ...

When it comes to socialization for children, there are no guarantees, whether homeschooled or not. Even if your child is enrolled in a public or private school, he or she could emerge with underdeveloped social skills. The negative social environment of schools can be too much for some children to handle. There are certain things parents can pursue if they plan to homeschool their children. You?ll basically be engaging in research and learning. You can find plenty of activities to enroll your children in.

Parents are aware that they need to pay close attention to helping their homeschooled children develop social skills. So the natural result of that concern is to ensure there are adequate opportunities for social interaction. In fact, there are many options for including direct and more social types of excursions that are a part of the child?s education. Homeschoolers are typically involved in extracurricular activities offered in their communities. When you think about this, you can find a direct contrast with the usual experience for most children in public schools. There is a lack of concern for healthy socialization among parents, and therefore there is no effort to actively encourage children to participate. The problem with much of the socialization process that occurs in schools is that quite a bit of it is harmful. Institutionalized education can leave students with many scars by the time they?re done with it. Many years of stressful and dysfunctional experiences can adversely impact the child for a very long time. So it seems hard to point to that outcome and argue that it is healthy and necessary. Homeschooling gives children the opportunity to learn and mature at their own pace without being subjected to the unhealthy pressures and actual dangers of modern schools. This kind of supportive environment encourages kids to mature and develop their abilities to the utmost.

There are various aspects to the whole issue of home schooling vs. typical education. Social skills are one of the primary goals of institutionalized education.

You can?t ignore another part of this picture, however, which is the way schools foster obedience and conformity. Depending on your point of view, this can be a positive or negative thing. There is a fine balance that must exist between teaching respect for authority and essentially breaking a child?s natural spirit and exuberance for life. Schools, in their need for order and conformity, can often stifle some important qualities in children, such as creative and independent thought.

The issue of education, homeschooling and socialization is full of complexities.

In many cases, children who are home schooled enjoy many undeniable advantages. But it is clear that the parent/ teacher has enormous additional responsibilities. Parents have to ensure that their kids have access to the social experiences that are necessary for them to mature into healthy adults. As long as parents keep this in mind, their children will enjoy all the benefits of home schooling and avoid the possible pitfalls.

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